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There is one on very corner.  You receive several in the mail each week.  Yes, they are out there, solicitors pushing their cause.  Some are good, many are worthy.  Some, not so good.  Be careful. It is with this admonishment that we state our cause to you for participation in our activities.

The Franklin County Republican Committee is a political organization advocating conservative ideals.  We support smaller government at all levels.  What does this mean?   It means that every time a government agency passes a law or ordinance it takes away some of our freedom and regulates part of our life.  Laws and ordinances should only be passed when in the general public interest and not for the privileged few.  We support candidates who hold this view.

This Committee supports less taxes.  What does this mean?  It means that government should not levy any more taxes on its citizens than are actually needed.  One does not have to look far to observe waste in government.  It is reported that Franklin County has the highest taxes per capita of any county in the State of Florida!  We support candidates that will reduce waste, promote efficiency, and value the taxpayer’s dollar.

We are strong advocates of individual responsibility which simply means accepting the obligation of living in a free society.  We believe that one should act for themselves and not wait or depend on others when capable of doing for themselves.  Some will say conservatives have no heart.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We believe that every family should be safe in their homes; free educational opportunities available to all; and most importantly, no child or adult should go without food.  We believe in helping the disadvantage and the unfortunate by offering programs for self improvement.

Locally, our mission is to bring conservative government back to Franklin County.  We need your help.  Please donate to our/your cause.  Any amount is greatly appreciated and there is no limit on contributions to political committees of state and national political organizations.  REMEMBER, political donations are not tax deductible.

Make your checks payable to the Franklin County Republican Committee and send to 1328 East Gulf Beach Drive, St. George Island, Fl. 32328.  Please do it today and enjoy the rewards of conservative government tomorrow.
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